Does God know His name?

Have you been in a Church service lately and heard someone pray? “Dear Heavenly Father, Lord God, we pray for this day, Lord, that your presence be known, Father, and the Holy Spirit, God, be magnified, Lord God…” Does God know His name? I mean somebody started praying like this; and obviously somebody heard it, mimicked it and now seems to be the norm. Think about it like this… How would your conversation go with your friend Bob? “Hey Bob, brother, friend I was wondering, Bob; if I could, friend; borrow your drill, brother, Bob… would that be ok? Bob?” Sounds silly when we look at it that way… Prayer is quite simply speaking to God. Similar in how you would talk to… Bob.

Matthew 6:7 Gives us some guidance in this area… “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” Don’t be nervous when talking to God… He created us for fellowship and desires that we simply… talk to Him.

And yes, by the way, God does know His name.