Bus Games

Suitable for kids of all ages!

Supplies Needed

  • 2 Balls of yarn
  • Stopwatch


The children with the balls of yarn are to find the end, grab ahold of it and say their name and one interesting fact about themselves. They should then throw the yarn to someone else on the bus (without letting go of their end) who will do the same thing. Continue this until the worker says time is up or the yarn runs out. Choose two of your workers to be the participants. They are going to race one at a time through the web without breaking any strands. When a strand is broken there turn is over. Who ever gets the farthest is the winner, if they both complete the course then the one with the best time is the winner.


  • Pre pick your contestents and have them sitting up front so they dont have to work their way to the front before they play.
  • If you can, choose a male and a female worker to be your contestants. Kids love girl against boy challenges.
  • Tell the children to throw it to someone who has not had a turn yet.

Suitable for kids of all ages!    

Supplies Needed

  • Scavenger hunt lists
  • Prizes


Make scavenger hunt checklists for the children. Some ideas include cow, black truck, red van, person on phone, person walking…


Give each child a list and have them race to see who can find the most objects in a specified time.Give prizes for the people who find the most.


Suitable for kids of all ages! 

Bible Trivia makes a great activity, time filler or tiebreaker.

You can use any questions but I recommend varying the difficulty.


Q. Who built the ark?

A. Noah

Q. What were the names of Noah’s 3 son

A. Shem Ham, Japeth

Q. What is the last word in the bible?

A. Amen

Q. What is the shortest book in the bible?

A. Third John

Q. How many books are in the bible?

A. 66

Q. Who was John the Baptist’s mother?

A. Elisabeth

Q. Where was David when Samuel came to annoint a king?

A. In the field tending his sheep

Q. Who was found and raised by Pharoh’s daughter?

A. Moses

Suitable for kids of all ages!

Supplies Needed

  • None


  • None


Divide the bus into two teams. Call out an item (the stranger the better) the first team to get the item to the front receives a point.

Item Ideas

  • Bible
  • Church Notes
  • Church Bulletin
  • Love Letter
  • Candy Wrapper
  • Sock With A Hole In It
  • Shoelace
  • Earring
  • Cell Phone
  • Money



Supplies Needed

  • 40 Plastic Cups (or any even number)
  • Permanant Marker


Divide the cups into two even stacks. Draw a bold line around one cup from each stack and place it at the bottom of the stack.


Select two riders to play and have them come to the front of the bus. Give each player a stack of cups. Have them race to be the first one to move the marked cup through the stack, and return it to the starting point by moving one cup at a time from the bottom of the stack to the top or from the top of the stack to the bottom.


Suitable for kids of all ages!

Supplies Needed

  • None


  • None


Divide the bus into two teams. Have each rider give you one of their shoes then give each child a different shoe from a member of their team. When you say go the first team to put all their shoes on the proper feet wins. 


Suitable for kids of all ages! 

Supplies Needed

  • 2 Beach bags
  • 2 Sunblock bottles
  • 2 Water bottles
  • 2 Beach towels
  • 2 pair of sunglasses
  • Or any other pairs of objects that fit the theme


Before the children get on the bus hide the objects on and around the seats (one on each side) except the beach bag,.


Give one child the beachbag on each side. Tell the children that they have to be the first team to find all the objects you name and put them into the beachbag by passing it from person to person till it reaches the bag.

Suitable for kids of all ages!

Supplies Needed

2 Rolls of toilet paper


Choose one child to be a model and one to be a stylist from each side of the bus. Bring your contestents to the front and have them sit in the front row of their side of the bus. Give your stylists a roll of toilet paper and tell them that they have ___ minutes to create the best toilet paper that they can. When the time is up pick a worker to judge which team is your winner.



Best suited for grades 2-12

Supplies needed

Fishing line

2 pieces of scrap fabric

Plastic spoon for each child

Wiffle ball or other ball with hole through it


Before the riders arrive hang your ball on the fishing line and secure it down the asle of the bus suspended in midair. Tie a piece of fabric on each end to act as your goalpost.


Give each child a spoon. The goal of the game is to get the ball to the oppenents goalpost using nothing but your spoons. If a child is caught trying to move the ball with their hands or if a child purposely hits another player either with their hands or their spoon they will be disqualified. Bring the ball to the center and shout go, the round has now begun. Once the ball reaches a goalpost the worker is to record the point and move the ball back to the center and restart the game. Play until ___ points are reached.


  • Hang the fishing line securely, the children will be rough on it
  • Have something on hand to rehang the line if it falls
  • If you have small children on your route you may consider moving the rear goal up a couple of rows and seating your small children and any children that have been disqualified in these rows where they can see what is going on but won’t get hurt. (be sure to adjust your center)